Thursday, May 6, 2010

Elizabeth Hasselbeck and Blaming a Stalking Survivor for What She Chooses To Wear...

Hi all,

On The View this week Elizabeth Hasselbeck was criticized for her comments regarding one of the participants on Dancing With The Stars. Please see the following news report from CNN:

All the more reason why our educational efforts are so important! There's still so much work to do!

-Amy B.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Leadership Connection 2010

Hello SAPAC!! Carley, Stephanie, Chris, and I are currently at Leadership Connection 2010 at Michigania, and we want to let you know we have met a lot of cool people and brainstormed a lot of new ideas. We're excited to learn more in the next couple of days and even more excited to share this all with you when we return to Ann Arbor!

Please share your goals for 2010-2011 with us!! We can't wait to hear your input!!


Peace, love, and SAPAC,

Amalia (and Carley and Chris and Stephanie)