Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thoughts on the Survivor Speak Out

Thanks so much to everyone who attended this year's Speak Out. It was an incredible success, with one of the largest turn outs in recent years. The compassion and support provided by those present, allies and survivors alike, was wonderful. This year, we asked speakers and supporters to light a candle as a visible show of their strength and support.

We also asked attendees to write one word that described their experience or feelings at the close of the event. Here are some of the words they came up with.
Finally, here is how some students felt after attending, in their own words:

I thought Speak Out was amazing. It was emotional with all of the sharing of such personal heartfelt stories, but it was also empowering. There was palpable support in the entire room throughout the evening. It really made me feel part of a community full of love and support, even though I didn't personally know many people in the room. The bravery of all the people there, both to share and absorb stories, was shocking to me. This was by far the best Speak Out I have ever attended!  - Kara Marsh
The new set up made it feel more intimate. - Lauren McIntosh 
It was amazing. Sitting there and realizing just how prevalent sexual violence is in our society, and being astounded at how many girls thought they couldn't say anything for fear of being blamed - it was powerful. I will never forget it. - Sam Arnold
The strength of those who spoke was inspiring in a culture that often silences survivors. - Emily Rion 
Thanks again to everyone who came out and supported survivors at this years Speak Out. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Survivor Speak Out

SAPAC will be hosting our annual Survivor Speak Out this Thursday, November 8th. This event is a forum for survivors of sexual assault, stalking, intimate partner violence, and harassment to share their stories and break the silence surrounding sexual violence. Survivors and their allies are invited to join us from 7 to 9 pm in the Michigan Union Ballroom.

There will be a short debrief at the SAPAC Office in the basement of the Union.