Thursday, November 11, 2010

Speak Out

I thought that Speak Out was a great success this year. So many brave women (and men!) came up to the microphone to share their stories with all of the sympathetic and empathetic listeners in the audience. As my first Speak Out, I wasn't sure what to expect, but the event was more than I could have ever imagined. I was glued to my seat in awe of the strength of these people. I was moved emotionally and my dedication to SAPAC's cause was strengthened exponentially. Connecting with survivors on such an intimate level really allowed the audience to understand all of the hardships these men and women have suffered. I really wish there could have been even more people than there were for the sole fact that I believe it would have changed anyone's outlook on sexual assault and domestic violence.

1 comment:

  1. A lot of times in the media we hear statistics about rape and sexual assault in very abstract and removed terms. There's a huge difference between seeing a number and hearing individual stories and feelings of complex individuals who have experienced sexual assault. I think the best way to get people engaged in the discussion about ending sexual violence is to give people a chance to relate emotionally to survivors. Public forums are an incredible way show the multi-dimensional impact that sexual assault has on the life of one individual. I believe that connecting the statistics to individual lives and outcomes is essential to ending sexual violence, and Speak Out is the perfect example of how this connection can be accomplished.

